
Animazment (AZ 02')

Friday: We left Bunny's house about 8:30 AM to take the long drive down to North Carolina. Once we got to the hotel, got our rooms and threw all our stuff on the floor, we went down stairs. Samma hung out with her Fujikoma peeps most that night. Minako, Bunny, Myrr and I walked around aimlessly. The dealer room had closed, and we were bored! We all went back up to the room about 10 to start work on costumes. There was suppose to be a party at the Fujikoma room, so Bunny and Samma went. Myrr, Minako, and I all went downstairs and hung out with some people. Then, back in the hotel room, Ashley V., Nancy, and some other peeps hung out with us. Minako, Ashley, Samma and Myrr had one to many stops at Starbucks that night, and they all crashed and burned. 

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